Tuesday, February 15, 2011


USA TODAY -- Donna Leinwand

(she is super funny)
  • Journalism career began at the Miami Herald
  • Former President of the National Press Club
  • Current Status: USA TODAY
  • Covers major crimes and mass disasters
  • Foreign correspondent: covered tsunami in Indonesia and earth quake in Haiti 
Tips for Journalist:
  • Be a Generalist: know a little bit of everything, read about different things, stay informed
  • Become Quick, Accurate, Clean and Concise Writers: no grammar errors, no factual errors
  • Develop Video and Photography Skills: more to offer employers
 Tips for Foreign Correspondents:

  • See a Bathroom, Use a Bathroom: you never know when your next opportunity will come
  • Always Have a Spare Tire
  • Get Vaccinated Now
  • Have Multiple Forms of Communication: your phone may lose service, you might not have a place to charger your computer. 

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