Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Glen Caroline
Director, NRA-ILA Grassroots Division
(NRA - National Rifle Association)

"safety, responsibility, freedom"

Brief History on NRA:
  • Founded in 1871
  • 4 million members
  • Oldest Civil Rights organization is United States
 "The question shouldn't be about the weapon used for violence, it should be about what pushed these individuals to act out."

  1.  Second Amendment
-The Right to Bare Arms - "it's an individual right.

    2.  Gun Control as a Failure to Reduce Crime

-Criminals are law breaks. They wont register their guns if they are going to commit a crime anyways.
-Guns are used for self-defense 2.5 million times a year (doesn't always mean gun is fired, just present)
-->3.5 times more than to commit crimes

   3.    NRA Enforces and Encourages

- Project Exile: enforcing existing laws that are already in place
- Right to Carry: 21-years-old and gun class
- Instant Check (although people do slide through the cracks, like AZ crime)
-Wright/Rossi study in 80s
   -->example) bank robber is less likely to rob bank if he thinks other people are carrying guns that could be used against him.

Overall Mr. Caroline was a very significant guest speaker in his ability to present information and guest speaking and has a lot of interesting information and points of view.

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